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The DIY Method Of Cleaning Your Area Rugs

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Area rugs need routine cleanings because routine vacuuming is not always enough.  Over time stains, dirt, dander, and other things will attack and damage rug fibers.  There are a few tips and tricks if you are having money issues and need to do the area rug cleaning yourself. 

If you feel uncertain you can always call us Mark It Clean in Long Beach, CA is the area rug cleaning experts.  You can call them at any time for a free estimate at your convenience at 562-726-2929.  Area rug cleaning restores vibrancy and color to your area rugs.  Our area rug cleaning will also eliminate 98% of allergens and 89% of airborne bacteria.


Steps to cleaning an area rug yourself:

  1. You want to clean your area rugs outside.  Set up a clean place to clean your area rug.  Pick either cement or a wood porch.  Clean both areas before you put the area rug down.  The last thing you want is to get more dirt on your area rug.
  2. You want to vacuum both sides thoroughly.  Vacuuming both sides of the rug will remove dirt and lingering dust.  You can use a broom and sweep off more dirt and dust. 
  3. Test your safe non-toxic cleaning agent.  Apply the cleaning agent on a small corner and mix a little water on it and let it set for a few hours.  Then you want to rinse of that spot and check to see if there is any color damage or fiber damage. 
  4. Now put the cleaning agent on the whole area rug and you want to agitate the dirt so it’s coming to the surface of the rugs fibers.  Let the cleaning agent soak a bit and do its work. 
  5. Now it’s time to rinse your area rug thoroughly.  Hose down the rug to get out all of the cleaning solution.
  6. Now you want to hang the rug up to dry out.  Get out as much excess water as possible. You can place fans around the area rug to circulate the air to help get the area rug dryer faster.  It is important to get it completely dry to ensure it does not grow mold or mildew.
  7. After the rug is completely dry you want to vacuum the area rug. 

If you feel unsure about cleaning your homes area rug yourself feel free to call Mark It Clean in Long Beach, CA.  Mark It Clean has certified and licensed technicians.  Call Mark It Clean for a free estimate at 562-726-2929 and we can schedule an appointment as soon as possible.


Regular Maintenance

  • Regular maintenance is necessary to make area rugs last longer.  It is always wise to clean up stains, vacuum on a regular basis, and remove shoes at the door.  A routine professional area rug cleaning in Long Beach, CA is recommended as well.
  • There are steps to cleaning area rugs with a pressure washer as well.  If you clean your area rug with a pressure washer follow the critical steps to ensure you will have positive results. Follow the appropriate procedures to get the job done right. 
  • You want to be cautious when cleaning area rugs and are educated on what material and dyes it’s made of you could make a costly mistake.  The last thing you want to do is destroy your rug.
  • Choosing the right area rug cleaner can be tough but Mark It Clean will ensure you that we will do the job right and you will not regret choosing us.  We have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee!  Our customers are top priority and that is why Mark It Clean has the most reviews in Long Beach, CA.


Check Online Reviews

  • Check online reviews to make sure the area rug cleaner in Long Beach has a good reputation. Check out Mark It Clean in Long Beach, CA.  Our reviews will show you that we are the best in the city to clean your area rugs.
  • Give Mark It Clean a call in Long Beach, CA for your area rug cleaning.  Call 562-726-2929 for a free estimate and cleaning inspection.  Revive your home to their absolute beauty with Mark It Cleans area rug cleaning service.  There are numerous benefits for keeping your area rugs clean in Long Beach, CA and area rugs are our top priority.  Call Mark It Clean in Long Beach, CA for a free estimate on your area rug cleaning needs.  Call Mark It Clean at 562-726-2929